Working Dog Auction tops at $8600

Myles Williams, Elders Armidale and Guyra, buyer Luke, Ned and Jack Newberry, Guyra, and vendor James Ince, Armidale, with the top-priced dog Lucy, who sold for $8600.
03rd Sep 2024

Sixteen out of twenty one dogs on offer sold at the second annual Top of the Range Working Dog Auction which was held on the weekend. The auction was conducted by Elders Armidale and Guyra with Myles Williams as the auctioneer, and interfaced with AuctionsPlus.
The sale topped at $8600 and for an average of $5143, with buyers coming from NSW, Queensland and South Australia.
The top-priced dog was Kelpie bitch Lucy, offered by James Ince, Armidale, and purchased by Luke Newberry, Guyra.
The next top prices were from Guyra breeders Dandylea Partnership who sold Lot 20 and 11 for $7200 and $7000 respectively. Another Guyra local Dylan Sutton sold lots 3 and 12 for $6800 and $6700.
The Elders team would like to extend a huge thank you to all the vendors, purchasers, under-bidders and sponsors for helping to make the 2nd annual Top of the Range Working Dog Auction a success. Special thanks to the CWA Guyra Evening Branch who provided the catering for the day.

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