How to make your vote count

03rd Sep 2024

Pre poll voting will commence this Saturday, September 7th and continue until Friday September 13th (excluding Sunday).
Voting centres will be open at the Guyra Community Hall and the Armidale Town Hall for pre poll as well as on election day
September 14th.
Black Mountain Public school will also be open on election day only for voting.
There are 39 candidates in total standing for election to Armidale Regional Council.
Thirty four of the candidates are members of six groups who have banded together according to their common beliefs. They are listed at the top of the ballot paper.
A further five independent
candidates are going it alone and they are listed on the right hand side of the ballot paper.
To ensure your vote counts you must follow the instructions on the ballot paper. You can either vote for groups above the line or
individuals below the line.
If you choose to vote above the line, place a number one in the box of the group that you want to vote for. By doing so you are effectively voting for the group candidates in order of appearance on the ballot paper.
You only need to vote for one group, but may also choose to vote consecutively for other groups above the line.
Voting below the line allows you to vote for candidates from multiple groups and also those who are not part of any group.
If you vote below the line you are required to place the numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the squares opposite the names of five candidates.
If you wish to vote for more
candidates you can place consecutive numbers beginning with the number 6.
It is important to note that the five candidates listed on the far right side of the ballot paper are not part of a group and you cannot vote for them above the line.
All candidates were given the opportunity to contribute information for this feature. Four candidates, Joshua Fittler, Natasha Ledger, Jenny Wild and Bradley Widders, have chosen not to provide details.