Prior preparation the key to a successful calving season

23rd Jul 2024

With the calving season now upon us, Northern Tablelands Local Land Services advises cattle producers to consider their herd’s nutritional needs and optimise the calving environment ahead of time.
Calving season often involves late, cold nights and tracking down pregnant heifers in the dark, so preparing early can make for an easier and more successful calving period.
Paying attention to the nutritional needs of heifers and cows prior to calving is important, as the nutritional needs of a cow significantly increase before and after birth, with energy requirements of a lactating cow being more than double that of a dry cow.
Producers should aim for an optimal fat score of 3/6 during the calving season. If the herd is looking poor, supplementary feeding may be needed, particularly during very cold weather.
Protein meals accompany frosted pasture well, and good quality hay can also be effective in providing the additional energy required.
Choosing a calving paddock close to yards in good working order and with adequate shelter is an effective management strategy that will reduce the strain on calving females.
Moving calving heifers close to yards will make intervention easier if required, and trees or shelter belts help reduce the wind chill factor, reducing the risk of hypothermia during cold and wet weather.
Producers should ensure they have calving supplies on hand, which may include plastic sleeves/gloves, lubricant, calving chains or straps, a bucket (for water) and soap or disinfectant, oesophageal feeders and calf feeding bottles, and calf milk powder. Torches and spotlights also make working in dark yards easier.
If livestock owners are not confident that they can assess, manipulate or assist the delivery of a calf, they should call a vet early.
Northern Tablelands Local Land Services District Vet, Meg Parsons said that where possible, producers should aim to check heifers twice a day, and be familiar with what to look for.
“Normally a calf should be born within two hours of the appearance of the water bag or feet.
“If the calf is not born within three hours of the appearance of the water bag, the heifer should be examined,” she said.
“If a hind leg is visible, if only one foreleg is presented, or if there is any other evidence of malpresentation of the calf, assistance should be given immediately,” said Dr Parsons.
Producers are advised to call a veterinarian if a heifer or cow is found to have difficulty calving, the birth appears to be breech, one leg is stuck, the heifer has become weak or if two adults cannot easily deliver the calf.
Veterinary assistance may be required to correct a difficult calving and to presc ribe and administer any veterinary drugs required to assist with calf and heifer survival during and after calving.
For calving issues producers should contact their local private veterinarian in the first instance rather than a Local Land Services District Vet.