Outdoor STEM at Bald Blair

Bald Blair school students with Principal, Sally Purvis
02nd Jul 2024

Last Friday, June 28 all students and staff at Bald Blair Public School participated in an Outdoor STEM Day based around sustainable living.
The weather was amazing, and the day commenced with the students highly enthused and motivated, and this commitment lasted for the entire day. Jorja, Brantley and Noah were so keen that they continued to mulch gardens during lunchtime.
At the beginning of the day, each student was presented with their own pair of gardening gloves, which they all wore with great pride and, by the end of the day, all gloves showed signs of being well used.
After applying sunscreen, there was a group photograph followed by all students being divided into groups for the day. These groups were led by our Year 6 leaders who did a marvellous job.
The group rotations included using garden tools safely, collecting litter, weeding gardens, mulching garden beds, preparing the veggie patch, planting new shrubs and seedlings in garden beds and pots, and mindfulness activities under the COLA.
Every student had the opportunity to plant their own plant. They were all so eager and proud. Before the plants were planted, each student’s knowledge, understanding and skills about how to plant their shrub or seedling was taught explicitly.
They were taught how to prepare a garden bed, how large to make the hole, how to fertilise the plants, how to remove their plant from its pot, and how to plant, mulch and water the plant. By the end of the day the Bald Blair School grounds looked amazing.
All students were to be commended on their exemplary behaviour.
Sally Purvis
Relieving Principal
Bald Blair Public School

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