Local government elections draw near

30th Jul 2024

NSW Local Government elections will be held in NSW on Saturday, September 14th.
Armidale Regional Council voters will be asked to choose nine councillors, a reduction from the current eleven representatives.
A number of candidates have already begun the nomination process which will officially open on August 5th.
Current councillors Sam
Coupland, Paul Gaddes, Debra O’brien and Todd Redwood look set to run again.
Others names listed on the NSW Electoral Commision website are Caroline Chapman, Sirisena Gamage, Madankumar Narayanmurthy, Robert Richardson and Lisa Ward.
If you are thinking about running in the election, while there are no special qualifications that you need, there are a number of regulations you will need to be familiar with.
To be eligible to be nominated as a candidate for an election in a local government area, you also must be enrolled to vote in the local government area prior to nominating.
You can’t nominate yourself to run for local government, you need to be nominated by either a registered political party, or two people who are registered to vote in the same LGA that you are running for.
Nominations open on Monday August 5th, and close at midday on the following Wednesday, August 14th. 
You can create an account on the nomination system and start preparing your applications now on the NSW Electoral Commission website.
The website also outlines crucial information on regulations that candidates need to follow around campaigning, spending, and electoral material.
If you have moved recently or are turning 18 before the electionn, now is the time to update your enrolment.
The NSW Electoral Commission is encouraging voters to check their enrolment before August 5th to make sure they are ready to vote. Voting is compulsory.  
Acting NSW Electoral Commissioner Matt Phillips reminded voters that at council elections voters must attend a polling place in their council area or ward.  
“If you’ve moved recently or aren’t enrolled to vote where you currently live, update your details now so you can vote at a polling place near you.”  
“You cannot vote outside your local government area at local council elections, so it’s important your details on the electoral roll are correct.”  
Mr Phillips said it is compulsory to enrol to vote in NSW elections if you are eligible and aged 18 or over.  
“If you are 17 and will be 18 on or before election day this year, you can provisionally enrol now and be ready to vote in September.”  
“It’s quick and easy to do online. Go to elections.nsw.gov.au to find out how to enrol.”
All you need to enrol is a driver’s licence or similar identification document or you can have someone who is already enrolled confirm your identity.”