Information morning well supported

More than 40 people attended the first information mornng for sheep and cattle producers last week
10th Sep 2024

On September 3rd, New England Community College (NECC) welcomed 40+ producers and guests to an information morning. NECC was overwhelmed with the response that they received for the workshop and are planning on holding more in the future.
The main speaker for the day was Marg Jones from Armitage & Buckley Armidale outlining the compliance requirements for both Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) and National Vendor Declaration (NVD) issues that sheep and cattle producers face when purchasing or selling their stock.
Also, in attendance were Local Land Services (LLS) Officers headed by Ebony Nowlan Senior Biosecurity Officer and Tag Manufacturers Ken (Datamars), Charlie (Gallagher) and David (Allflex). They were on hand to answer questions in regard to the introduction of Electronic Identification Devices (EID’s).
New England Community College (NECC) will be offering another information morning on October 15th. Going forward, NECC will be also be offering computer and smart phone help under the Tech Savvy Program for rural producers.
This support will be ongoing and for more information, call in and see the friendly team at 136 Bradley Street or phone 6779 2132.