Guyra girls lift the trophy

Back l to r: Katie Ward, Bree Wilson, Claire Bliss, Piper Kempton, Chloe Looker, Anne Ashman, Stevi McElroy, Chloe Wilson, Amber Writer, Coach Kasey Elliot Front: Lucy Ward, Gwenisha Landsborough, Shelby Heagney, Ella Vidler, Summa Elliot, Charlie Ward
27th Aug 2024

On Saturday three Guyra teams travelled to Bingara to play in the 2024 Junior Rugby League Grand Final. In very hot conditions the players gave it their all and enjoyed the atmosphere of grand final day.
At the end of the day it was the Senior League Tag team lifted the trophy on Saturday. From start to finish the girls played their game with outstanding defence and some fast running in attack, which earnt them the win.
This team is made of girls who have played together since they were eight and some that who have only joined this year.
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At the very right time this team put all their training and hard work together. Gwen Landsborough was awarded the player of the match, but every girl put in their very best effort for their teammates and coaches.
The final score was 20 to 14. This is the first time Guyra have had a SLT in the Grand final. It is so exciting for the girls and the club to achieve this.
In the other games, the Intermediate League Tag girls fought right till full time. Playing well as a team and supporting each other all game the girls were unlucky not to take the game into extra time. Making it to a grand final is a big achievement and they should all be very proud of the footy they have played this year. This is a team full of talent and the club look forwards to where they will go. Congratulations to the girls and the coaches for a great year.
The under 16 boys took to the field pumped up and ready. Right from the start it was evident that it was going to be a physical game. It’s a credit to all players on this team how much effort was put in defence and attack. The Inverell side had an abundance on the bench and with injuries to a couple of the Guyra boys it was hard to match the consistent intensity.
As your coach said:
“You are a great group of young men that have left nothing on the field and off the field have a great comradery. You are great role models for the younger players in our club. You all had to do the hard yards with training and playing your way through the finals to make it to the Grand final. Unlucky on the day not to get the win, but our club think you are winners in every other way.
Our town Guyra should be so proud of what we achieve on the sporting field. Every week all the Guyra players turn up to play for their club and team mates being watched by a sideline full of supporters and families.
No other town/club has a cheer squad like Guyra!! Thank you to everyone that shows up in Blue, Black and White (with a touch or pink) and shows who and what the Guyra Super Spuds are made of!
Go the Super Spuds.