A Fin-tastic fortnight of fishing for Guyra Anglers

15th Oct 2024

Guyra Anglers Club (GAC) members have been hooked on helping out our local, and wider, community members to learn all things fishing over the last fortnight.
Trout season opening saw GAC hold both the John Wilcox Trout Classic (JWTC) and a Youth fishing Clinic at the Bowling Club and Tenth Dam. The JWTC saw a field of 47 entrants trying their hardest in challenging conditions to get the biggest stream, impounded, and mystery length trout. We had our local Coco on the board early with a cracking 50cm stream trout, and the only other fish caught, by Jacob, ticked the mystery length category at 40cm. The encouragement award went to Kayne for his persistent and tireless efforts on trying to capture the elusive fish!
The fishing clinic saw a group of 14 young people, and their families, go through the importance of fish care, learning how to tie their lures on, and casting their new rods. Putting all their knowledge into practice proved tricky with extreme wind at Tenth Dam – with no fish caught. The fishing clinic was delivered by GAC Committee members and supported by the crew from Dutton Trout Hatchery placing 40 ex-brood stock in the dam the day before. All participants went home with a goodie bag and a new rod, and huge (if not cold) smiles.
October 13th saw the biggest fishing day of the year take place – GoneFishing Day (GFD). GFD is held across Australia to celebrate our love of fishing and encourage everyone to get out on the water.  Guyra Anglers held our GFD in conjunction with OzFish Northern Tablelands Chapter and hosted a record breaking 266 people, including 32 boats, and numerous kayaks at Malpas Dam. Kids enjoyed a fishing clinic, and received rods and goodie bags. GAC held a competition for biggest Trout, Bass, and Red Fin in Sub Juniors (up to 12) and Juniors (12-18) categories with fantastic prizes from Khammo, Dasha’s, OzFish, and BCF, made possible with generous support from Squadron Energy. 
We also held a raffle to raise funds for the Britten Family whose son Tyler has recently undergone a Bone Marrow Transplant to cure his Diamond BlackFan Anemia. Tyler is our Junior Vice President and Josh, his Dad, is one of our Vice Presidents. Tyler is an avid fisherman catching more species in his brief 11 years, than many fishos would do in their lifetime! 
We cannot thank the amazing supporters, suppliers, and volunteers that have made these fantastic events happen. Squadron Energy, DPI Recreational Fishing Trust, OzFish, Guyra Anglers, Khammo, Dasha’s, Guyra Bowling Club, Sissons Meats, Phil Charman, and BCF Armidale. You are all o-fish-ally amazing!
Guyra Anglers Club

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