Sports Briefs

25th Mar 2025

Vets Golf
Last Tuesday the 18th we played a stableford event plus putting comp. Ray Sweeney scored the best of the day with 35 points to come in the winner. Robert Moore had 32 points to secure second place, with John Prisk winning the putting with just 27. NTPs went to Neil Paine, Robert Moore and Chris Newberry.
On Thursday, twenty one of us went to Glen Innes to contest the second last round of the pennants. We struggled a bit in Glen with our best being Don Campbell on 34 points. Herb Wilson snagged an NTP.  
Our club came home in 3rd place which makes us overall equal leader with Armidale on 30 points, with Glen and Walcha trailing behind on 22 and Uralla in last place on 16.  Just one round to go in Walcha on the 24th and it looks like it will be a battle between Armidale and Guyra to determine the winner.
Next Tuesday in Guyra is our stroke event.   

Men’s Bowls
Results last weekend were Paul Johnson, Murray Bourke and David Wilcox defeated 
Robert Moore, Scott Campbell and Roger ox 18-15. Also Colin Stanley, Anthony Bull and 
Randy Mulligan defeated Cameron Peardon, Barry Presnell and Phil Kliendienst 27-18.
In the final on Sunday Paul Johnson, John McIllwain and David Wilcox defeated Colin Stanley, Anthony Bull and Randy Mulligan 19-15.
Games set down for Saturday 29th March at 12 o’clock are:
John McIllwain to play Randy Mulligan with Robert Walls to mark, Barry Walls will play Wayne Reeves with Tim Ellis to mark, the starter and umpire for the day is Robert Walls.

Midweek Golf
This is the last week to put in your scores. Midweek finishes this Sunday 30th March.
Not a lot of cards handed in this week but the best single score went to Leanne Burey with 23 points. Well done. Next on 22 points was Peter Mulligan then on 21 was Belinda Lenehan.
Team score with 72 points was Full House, then70 points went to Baldersleigh Bashers and on 67 points were Green Grass and Pitch Purrfects.
ATTENTION ALL JUNIOR PLAYERS. (especially the midweek junior players)
There is a Junior Championship on Sunday 13th April at 10am. Everyone is invited (boys and girls) to be a part of this day. The golf committee will be there to organise the competition and help on the day. More information will be available next week.

Ladies’ Golf
Last week was the first round of the Championships.
The daily Nett winner was Suzanne Towells with 74 Nett on a countback from Belinda Lenehan.
Kerry Bull won the nearest the pin on the 18th hole.
The final round of the Championship is on this week.
Also last week the Ladies played the first round of Ladies Pennants in Uralla.
Uralla won the day with Guyra coming in second.