Junior Rugby League

04th Jun 2024

Guyra Junior Rugby League played in Inverell on Saturday in wet, cold and windy conditions. Thank you to all the players that took to the field and the brave families on the sideline cheering them on in the rain.
Junior League Tag got the win on the weekend doing what they do best. Running the ball well and playing as a team. Indigo Atkin earned herself five tries and two conversions. Charlotte Perrett received points from the referee.
The rain certainly did no slow down the Under 6s ‘Little Chats’. Everyone on the team played so well running the ball, playing the ball and getting lots of tags. The parents on the sideline were very encouraging which the players and coached loved to hear.
The Under 8s had lots of energy to take onto the muddy field. Every player turned up on the day and secretly loved running and sliding in the rain. Jackson Atkin was a scoring machine and earned himself 2 points from the referee.
Under 12s played a nail bitter of a game right down to the last minute. This was a great game to watch with everyone having the team spirit and working hard for each other. Darius Torrens crossed the try line for a well earnt try. Darcy Sisson tackled well in the middle all game. They were very unlucky to go down 26-22.
Well, the rain did sure come down for the Under 10s game. This team were very brave taking to the field in the torrential rain and wind. Playing well in the first half running the ball well and tackling well. This game was called off at half time due to the weather.
The Intermediate League Tag team was played in the worst conditions of the day. At one stage it was hard to see the players on the field from the heavy rain. This did not slow the girls down winning the game 22 to 10. They celebrated the win with a hot shower in the dressing rooms.
The game of the day for Guyra was the Under 14s team. Every week this team goes out and plays as a team and gives it their absolute all. Maddi Byers addition to the team has created strength. Every run of the ball was with full commitment and everyone was there in defence. They were unlucky at the end with Inverell 22 Guyra 14.
The afternoon games were lucky with the rain stopping and the sun making a slight appearance.
Senior League Tag took to the field with only 11 players to a very strong Inverell side. Our girls did not back down, crossing the line first with a try to Chloe Wilson. The girls played a short, controlled game but were unlucky a couple of times bringing the ball out of Inverell’s try line allowing them to score. Stevie Wilson was solid in defence not letting anyone through and then scoring a tricky try. The final score was Inverell 24 Guyra 14. Look out next time Guyra has a full team.
The final game of the day Under 16s was a very physical game. The Guyra boys put up some great defence with strong hard tackles. Quick thinking from one meter out in dummy half, Chase Beard put the ball down on the try line. The boys all put in a full 70 minutes of football on the muddy field and were unlucky on the day letting Inverell in for a couple full length of the field tries. The final score was Inverell 24 Guyra 8.
Again thankyou to everyone involved in the Guyra club who stood out in the rain on Saturday. It sure did create a lot of washing!! Enjoy the long weekend. Go the Spuds.
Anna Heagney