Junior League

28th May 2024

On the weekend Guyra Junior Rugby League travelled to Moree for Round 7.
The Under 16s started the day with a very physical match. The Guyra boys were on top from the start. This team is working well together in both attack and defence and their combinations are coming together nicely. A great try was scored by Lachlan Clark off a set play from a scrum. Sam’s enthusiasm in the middle of the ground inspired the rest of the boys to keep pushing through a very warm day to play a solid 70 minutes of football. Guyra for the win 30 to 4.
The Under 6s “Little Chats” had a fun game of football in the Moree sunshine. Every player skills are improving each week and are a joy to watch.
The Under 8s sure do love their football. Running the ball well up the field and tackling well in defence. Thank you to Braidie Vidler for running the Under 8s on the day.
The Under 10s had a close game with the final score being 22 to 24 to Moree. This team are listening well to their coach and applying their skills on the field.
The Under 12s took to the field at 1pm the hottest part of the day. With no subs the boys gave it their all out on the field. Tackling well and staying positive show that they have a great team spirit. The boy’s were unlucky to be defeated 24 to 16.
The Intermediate League Tag Team took to field with only nine players. All nine of the girls played a full game of football giving it their all. This gave them the win running away with many full length of the field tries. The final score was Guyra for the win 34 to 22.
The Senior League Tag Team really put together a great game of league tag on the weekend. Running lines well and setting up support players to break through the defence line. Great positive talk from all players made it a great game of footy to watch. The girls came away with the win 32 to 4.
The last match of the day was the Under 14s. This team with minimum numbers should be commended on how they give it their all on the footy field. They play for themselves and their team mates and their coach. You all do the Guyra club proud on your commitment. The score really does not reflect the effort put in.
A big thank you to all the families that travelled to Moree on Saturday. It is big effort for young families to rise early and make the journey to Moree. The warm weather made it hot conditions to play in, something the Guyra players are not used to.
This weekend we head to Inverell to take on the Hawks. See you all at the footy.
Anna Heagney